Already seen?! Here comes our new platform and the winner(s) of our photo contest!
Top left: Open Space in Times of Crisis © Daniel Münderlein; top right: Bosco Verticale © Kathrin Prenger-Berninghoff; bottom left: Abandoned Places © May East; bottom right: Kraftwerke - Motoren der Veränderung © Juliane Ribbeck-Lampel
To mark the launch of ARL's interactive knowledge and communication platform, we ran a free, non-commercial photo competition from March to July 2021, seeking participants' personal views on how spaces change over time - a multifaceted topic on which we received personal impressions, illustrations and ideas, but also criticism and perspective on contradictions!
A big thank you goes to all participants who impressed us with the high number of stunning photos!
Click here to see all of the contest entries.
And the winners are
Category 1 > Environment, energy and climate change
- 1st place: Kathrin Prenger-Berninghoff
- 2nd place: Kevium Alvarado
- 3rd place: Esteban Torres
Category 2 > Demographic and socio-economic change
- 1st place: May East
- 2nd place: Petra Schneider
- 3rd place: Esteban Torres
Category 3 > Changing spaces during Covid-19
- 1st place: Daniel Münderlein
- 2nd place: Petra Schneider
- 3rd place: Daniel Münderlein
- And a special prize for aesthetics goes to Juliane Ribbeck-Lampel!