Gender- and Climate-just Cities and Urban Regions
Internationaler Arbeitskreis Climate-just Cities
The international working group „Gender- and Climate-just Cities and Urban Regions“ supports the current debate on challenges to cities and regions in their combat against climate change by widening the knowledge base and emphasising gender approaches concerning climate neutral and smart cities. Transdisciplinary processes and approaches are important for the formulation of problem-based research questions and in seeking solutions for gendered climate neutral and resilient cities and regions. From the current state of art, the group has a closer look on the social, gender and diversity dimension in the broad debate on approaches to climate neutral and just cites and urban regions in Europe.
Two core research questions emerge: - How is the social and gender dimension integrated in climate neutral and smart planning processes instruments and policies of (green) cool urban spaces and landscapes in the European context? Which aspects of climate justice are reflected in these instruments? - What is the added value to integrate a gender perspective on planning urban open spaces concerning climate neutral and smart cities and urban regions? How can it help to further climate justice?
The working group is preparing a special issue with the joint results and met for its final meeting in Vienna on April 25/26, 2024.
Cool spaces for Cities: climate- and gender sensitive urban development in Vienna
The IAK "Gender and Climate just Cities and urban Regions" met for its last face-to-face meeting on April 25/26, 2024. The meeting was hosted by the co-leader of the IAK, Prof. Doris Damyanovic (BOKU).
During its three-year term, the IAK has intensively dealt with various approaches to gender-equitable urban development and incorporated strategies and perspectives from Austria, Switzerland, the UK, Sweden, Serbia, Spain, the Czech Republic and Germany. A special issue of DiSP is planned as a joint product. In addition, the IAK will offer a session together with the IIIK "Gender and Spatial Transformation" at the AESOP conference in Paris in June 2024.
International Working group to gender and climate just cities and urban regions in the Czech Republic
The international working group (IAK) "Gender and climate just Cities and urban Regions" met in Usti nach Labem (Czech Republic) on April 27/28. In addition to the discussion of the members' scientific contributions, the focus was on examples of water-sensitive urban development.
Green infrastructure and technical innovations: the IAK "gender and climate just cities" in Magdeburg
On 28 and 29 April 2022, the IAK "gender and climate just cities and urban regions" met at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Petra Schneider, head of the department of Water, Environment, Construction and Safety, had hosted and organized the meeting. The event was supported by students of the department and the climate protection management of the University of Applied Sciences. The green campus of the University of Applied Sciences with its various research infrastructures provided many occasions for discussion in the group: What does it imply, especially for infrastructures, if cities want to become climate neutral and take gender aspects into account in this context?
Gender oriented planning: the international working group met in Vienna
The international working group (IAK) "gender and climate just cities and urban regions" focused on questions of gender-oriented and climate-related urban planning on 16 and 17. Sept. 2021 in Vienna. An impulse from Eva Prangerl ("Smart City Team" of the City of Vienna) enhanced the discussion on the conflicting issues of climate neutrality, participation and gender justice in urban development. And with examples from Serbia, England, Spain, Sweden and Germany, the members of the working group shaped the discussion on gender-sensitive planning and spatial development from their own perspectives. During excursions around one of the largest urban development sites of Europe, the "Seestadt Aspern" (pic) and the inner-city 10th district of Vienna, the group discussed on site what challenges and prospects integrated urban development can offer, and how to create and maintain vibrant neighborhoods. Peter Hinterkörner („3420 aspern development AG“) outlined key issues for social coexistence and gender- and climate-responsive planning approaches in the "Seestadt".
„Gender and climate-just cities and urban regions“: neuer IAK gestartet!
Der internationale Arbeitskreis „Gender- and Climate-just Cities and Urban Regions“ unter der Leitung von Prof. Doris Damyanovic (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien) und Prof. Ulrike Sturm (Hochschule Luzern) hat sich am 3./4. März 2021 zum ersten Mal getroffen und die grundlegenden Fragen und Ziele für den Arbeitskreis konkretisiert. In den kommenden drei Jahren wird sich das Gremium aus Expertinnen und Experten der Planungswissenschaften und der Planungspraxis intensiv mit Herausforderungen, Konzepten und Zielen für eine klima- und sozial gerechte Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung auseinandersetzen. Dem Arbeitskreis gehören neben den Leiterinnen folgende Mitglieder an: Nataša Čolić, Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbien; Dr. Cédric Duchêne-Lacroix, University Basel Department of Social Sciences; Dr. Christian Dymén, TRIVEKTOR Traffic, Lund (Schweden); Inés Novella Abril, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spanien; Dr. Ana Pajvančić-Cizelj, University of Novi Sad, Serbien; Prof. Dr. Petra Schneider, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Deutschland; Prof. Lenka Slavíková, IEEP, Institut pro ekonomickou a ekologickou politiku, Usti nad Labem, Tschechien; Meike Spitzner, Wuppertal Institut, Deutschland; Jeff Turner, University of Leeds, England; Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wotha, BfSR - Büro für Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung. Franziska Städler (HS Luzern) und Roswitha Weichselbaumer (BOKU Wien) unterstützen den AK als Geschäftsführerinnen.