ARL:univie International Summer School 2021
‘Urban and Regional Infrastructures’
29 September to 2 October 2021 at the University of Vienna
The ARL:univie International Summer School 2021 ‘Urban and Regional Infrastructures’ took place from 29 September to 2 October 2021 at the University of Vienna. In the course of a global ‘infrastructural turn’, infrastructures have gained renewed importance in geography and planning sciences during the last two decades. The current systemic questions concerning the development and planning of infrastructures go far beyond the engineering and technological issues of earlier research approaches. They reach into domains of social, political, cultural and economic debates. Global connectivity, mobility, digitalisation, urbanisation, energy demand, economic growth and crises are all linked to infrastructural networks and services in their uneven trajectories. As a result, the development of urban and regional infrastructures may shape new geographies of inequality and standards of infrastructural provisions, i.e. availability, accessibility, affordability, quality and diversity, need to be renegotiated. Normatively speaking, ‘good’ governance and the development of infrastructures can be key for sustainability-oriented urban and regional development and policies at the same time.