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Spatial transformation – processes, strategies, research designs

Forschungsberichte der ARL
Milad Abassiharofteh, Jessica Baier, Angelina Göb, Insa Thimm, Andreas Eberth, Falco Knaps, Vilja Larjosto, Fabiana Zebner (Eds.)
Verlag der ARL
Forschungsberichte der ARL 19
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16,90 €
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The present anthology is the result of the conference ‘Spatial transformation: processes, strategies and research design’. This conference was organised by the TRUST/ARL Doctoral Colloquium and took place in the Leibnizhaus in Hanover on 23- 24 May 2018 with over 50 participants. The thematic focus is based on the introductory remarks by Rüdiger Glaser in the context of global change, the age of the Anthropocene (Crutzen 2002) and planetary boundaries (Rockström/Steffen/Noone et al. 2009; Steffen/Richardson/Rockström et al. 2015) – all of which necessitate a transformation towards more sustainable lifestyles. When considering spatial transformation processes and the possibilities of shaping them from a scientific perspective, the term ‘Great Transformation’, coined by Karl Polanyi (1978) (WBGU [German Advisory Council on Global Change] 2011), and the demand for transformation research and transformative research (cf. Schneidewind 2013) serve as a point of reference.

This research report is a translated version of the following publication: Abassiharofteh, Milad; Baier, Jessica; Göb, Angelina; Thimm, Insa; Eberth, Andreas; Knaps, Falco; Larjosto, Vilja; Zebner, Fabiana (Hrsg.) (2019): Räumliche Transformation – Prozesse, Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns. Hannover. = Forschungsberichte der ARL 10.

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Einzelbeiträge der Veröffentlichung zum Download im PDF-Format

Andreas Eberth, Angelina Göb

Helga Kanning, Christiane Meyer
The understanding and meaning of knowledge transfer for research and education in the context of a Great Transformation

Martin Held
Spatial transformation – an introduction to the Great Transformation towards sustainability

Antje Bruns
The Anthropocene and the great transformation – perspectives for critical governance and transformation research in the spatial sciences

Jana Kühl
Practices and infrastructures for sufficiency-oriented lifestyles

Jessica Baier
From a materially produced to a socially constituted space: a proposal for a new research perspective on public service provision and infrastructures in rural areas based on a relational theory of space

Milad Abbasihahrofteh, Tom Brökel
Towards a comprehensive measure of socio-cultural diversity: the case of Germany

Elena-F. Schlich
Spatial proximity and how to shape it: An empirical case study of selected German technology parks

Leonie Tuitjer
Doing research in the Global South – exploring research ethics and their transformative potential

Andreas Eberth
Incumbent upgrading in Nairobi’s slums: How young people contribute to local spatial transformation

Sebastian Purwins
Dynamics and consequences: the economic/ecological double crisis in China and the bauxite-aluminium industry in Ghana

Zora Becker
Rural areas in transition – village development in the light of new structures of responsibility

Yvonne Siegmund
Can openness be planned? An essay on the temporal dimension in spatial planning

Falco Knaps, Sylvia Herrmann, Tanja Mölders
Landscape identity: Approaches to its conceptualisation, capture and integration into place branding processes

Insa Thimm
The conceptualisation of civic energy cooperatives as change agents in the energy transition

Moritz Engbers
Understanding and shaping spatial transformation processes through transdisciplinary case studies

Vilja Larjosto
Research through design as a transformative approach

Angelina Göb
Come out of your shell! Arts-based research as a method for transformative research