The Country Profiles section on continues to expand with new profiles from Sweden, Liechtenstein, and Croatia
There are new country profiles available on our Knowledge and Communication Platform The Country Profiles provide you with a comprehensive overview of a country's planning system and offer many exciting information.
Did you know, for example, that the samhällsplanering is the Swedish term for spatial planning? Although the word samhälle may be translated to English as society, in the Swedish context the term even includes the notion of community as well as settlement, village, town or suburb and thus also the physical and spatial dimension. Since housing played a central role in the Swedish welfare state, the term samhällsplanering became increasingly important in the time of the so-called Million Homes Programme, a public housing programme implemented between 1965 and 1974. To this day, the Swedish Planning Association is therefore called Föreningen för Samhällsplanering. Read more about the Swedish planning system at
..and about the planning system of many other countries at