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ARL regional forums

The ‘ARL regional forums’ are permanent committees whose members must stand for re-election on a regular basis. 

These committees are essential for the ARL in order to involve the wider community of experts and to have an impact throughout the region. Furthermore, through these ‘ARL regional forums’, the ARL carries the Leibniz motto ‘theoria cum praxi’ into the wider community. Geographically anchored, the ARL regional forums also serve to recruit new members and support early career researchers. They introduce interested individuals as guests to the ARL's interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary working methods and highlight the benefits of professional exchange between science and practice. This motivates many to engage permanently in the ARL's professional network, even alongside demanding full-time jobs. 

Currently, there are seven ‘ARL regional forums’ that address relevant issues of state, regional, and urban development in their respective regions, as well as cross-border topics. They connect spatial scientific disciplines and professional practice, promote open professional exchange on socially relevant spatial issues and provide transfer services for politics, administration, civil society and economy. The topics of the regional ARL forums are based on the research concept of the ARL and the regional reference. The aim is to intensify the exchange of experience on larger topics in cooperation between nationwide working groups and several regional ARL forums.

  • ARL Baden-Württemberg forum 
  • ARL Bavaria forum
  • ARL Central-Southwest forum
  • ARL Northeast forum
  • ARL North Rhine-Westphalia forum
  • ARL Northwest forum
  • ARL Southeast forum