Analysing, assessing and safeguarding Alpine open spaces through spatial planning

Alpine open spaces are becoming noticeably scarcer. In the Alps, this applies to the inherently limited area of permanent settlement, which in the case of Tyrol covers only 11.8 percent. The population is growing in many of the valleys and with it the infrastructure it requires. However, the open spaces at higher altitudes are also being successively fragmented and equipped with infrastructure (e.g. cable cars, hydro-electric plants) or subjected to increasingly intensive use (e.g. with electric mountain bikes). The preservation of open spaces in the Alps began in Bavaria as early as 1972 with the implementation of the Alpine Plan, which established spatial planning objec-tives. The Alpine Plan divided Bavarias Alpine region into three zones of varying traffic intensity, a true legislative innovation. Zone C was intended for nature conservation, which was still in its infancy at that time, and also aimed to reduce natural Alpine hazards.
This reserach report is a translated version of the following publication: Job, Hubert; Mayer, Marius; Haßlacher, Peter; Nischik, Gero; Knauf, Christoph; Pütz, Marco; Essl, Josef; Marlin, Andreas; Kopf, Manfred; Obkircher, Stefan (2017): Analyse, Bewertung und Sicherung alpiner Freiräume durch Raumordnung und räumliche Planung. Hannover. = Forschungsberichte der ARL 7.
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