To establish an international academic working group (IAK) on
"Planning & Governing the Metropolis"
the ARL is currently looking for participants. The members of the working group will work for approximately three years together and address the topic and its sub-aspects both from inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives.
Different processes of rescaling (up, down, trans-scaling) in the EU countries have multi-faceted im-pact to the metropolitan governance and planning institutions. There is a variety of institutional forms, planning practices and episodes manifested and experimented recently in the metropolitan regions of Europe, but there is a gap of knowledge about these structures and processes - both in academia and practice . Despite a diversity of books produced in the last few years on metropolitan governance issues pre-senting collections of case studies, there is no systematic comparison of factors that influence the institutional form of metropolitan governance, the success factors and the performance of metropol-itan governance and especially the role of metropolitan planning. Nowadays, a distinct set of problems and challenges for the metropolitan planning emerge. Included in these emerging hurdles are: non-regulated competition among municipalities to attract new in-vestments, new fragmentations and contradictions under fiscal and economic crisis, unprecedented external episodes, new environmental and demographic problems, uncontrolled migration and refu-gees flows, increased inequalities, social and territorial segregation, and new poverty in the cities. All these challenges reformulate new requirements for planning and development agendas at different scales.