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EXTENDED DEADLINE: RuR-CfP “Innovative Approaches to Services of General Interest and their Long-Term Establishment in Rural Areas of Europe”

Please note the deadline for the Call for Papers “Innovative Approaches to Services of General Interest and their Long-Term Establishment in Rural Areas of Europe” has been extended! We are now accepting abstracts through May 14, 2022.
Call for Papers: https://rur.oekom.de/index.php/rur/announcement/view/8

Call for Contributions to a Seminar of the International Working Group Small Towns and Metropolitan Cores

In 2020, the ARL set up an international working group on the following theme: Small towns and metropolitan cores: towards cooperation? A European perspective. This working group is composed of a dozen European academics and experts who address the topic and its sub-aspects both from inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives. The members of the working group work together for three years. They collaborate online and meet physically for two workshops a year at various locations across Europe. The group may also be complemented by invited experts relevant to the topics of research.

On the occasion of the

Call for Abstracts for the 44th conference of the International Association for Time Use Research

Montréal, Canada on August 16-19, 2022

Time use and wellbeing: the challenges ahead in a post-pandemic era of uncertainty

The committee is pleased to announce the upcoming IATUR conference call for papers for the 44th annual conference of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) to be held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, August 16-19, 2022.

The event will take place in the Cœur des Sciences (Heart of Science) campus of the University of Québec in Montréal, right next to the vibrant Quartier des spectacles and downtown Montréal.

This year’s conference theme will be:

Time use and wellbeing: the challenges ahead in a post-pandemic era of uncertainty.

Call for Abstracts for the 15th European Public Health Conference in Berlin

Strengthening Health Systems: Improving Population Health and Being Prepared for the Unexpected.

9 – 12 November, 2022 at Hub27, Messe Berlin

The 15th EPH Conference in Berlin will be the first conference since Marseille 2019 to take place live and in person! The spectacular space in Hub27 provides us with ample opportunity for informal chatting, personal exchange and live networking. We hope you will join us and we truly look forward to seeing everyone!

The focus of Berlin 2022 will be on health systems. We have learned from the Covid-19 pandemic that infectious diseases know no boundaries. We have seen the successful development of vaccines but also the spread of the Delta variant around the globe as these vaccines have not yet been available to everyone. The conclusion is simple: the EU must take on a more active role in global health. This includes taking a stand on expansive issues such as planetary health, climate change, environmental degradation, water and food security, migration, gender, and poverty.

Call for Papers: Cross-Border Cooperation in Crisis - Workshop at Andrassy University Budapest

The cross-border cooperation (CBC) has been flourishing in Europe since the establishment of INTERREG in 1990. After 30 years, the Corona pandemic has been the first true testing for the established cross-border cooperation. It reveals how fragile the cross-border cooperation in Europe actually is. 

The closing of borders challenged every form of cross-border cooperation, be it loose-knit networks or formalized legal entities like European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). Actors involved in CBC had to adapt to a fundamentally novel situation and to find innovative ways to maintain the cooperation, if possible. 

DeGEval Nachwuchspreis zur Auszeichnung von Beiträgen zur Evaluationsforschung oder Evaluationspraxis

Auf der 25. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Evaluiation (DeGEval) wird der DeGEval-Nachwuchspreis für eine herausragende Arbeit im Bereich Evaluation verliehen. Einreichungen sind bis zum 01. Juli 2022 möglich.

Der Preis wird einmal jährlich für eine herausragende Arbeit im Bereich Evaluation im deutschsprachigen Raum an eine Nachwuchsevaluatorin oder einen Nachwuchsevaluator vergeben. Es kann auch eine Gruppe von Nachwuchsevaluatorinnen und -evaluatoren ausgezeichnet werden. Die prämierte Arbeit soll einen fundierten Beitrag zur fachlichen und professionellen Weiterentwicklung von Evaluation leisten. Einschlägig sind sowohl Beiträge zur Theorie und Methodik der Evaluation (referierte Zeitschriftenartikel, Dissertationen oder Masterarbeiten) als auch Praxisarbeiten (z.B. Evaluationsberichte oder Beiträge von Nachwuchsevaluatorinnen oder -evaluatoren zu größeren Evaluationsvorhaben).

Call for Papers zur Jahrestagung des Forum Nachwuchs: Infrastrukturen im planerisch-politischen Diskurs

Am 29 und 30. Juni 2022 findet in Bielefeld die Jahrestagung des Forum Nachwuchs statt. Das Thema der Tagung ist „Infrastrukturen im planerisch-politischen Diskurs – Bestehende und neue Herausforderungen zukunftsfähiger Infrastrukturen“.

Gegenwärtige Infrastrukturen unterliegen auf Grund vielfältiger Transformationsprozesse einem bedeutenden Wandel. Im Rahmen der Jahrestagung des Forum Nachwuchs am 29. und 30. Juni in Bielefeld werden die Potenziale und Herausforderungen nachhaltiger Raum und- Infrastrukturentwicklung und Orientierungswissen für politisch-planerisches Handeln genauer betrachtet. Besondere Berücksichtigung erhalten im Zusammenhang mit Infrastrukturen aktuelle Trends, die Corona-Pandemie, künftige Raumstrukturen, planerisch-politische Diskurse, Management von Großprojekten und kritische Infrastrukturen. 

Call for Membership: International Working Group “Urban Planning for Health Equity”

The ARL is currently establishing an international working group (IAK) “Urban Planning for Health Equity” and looking for participants. The members of the working group will work for approximately three years together and address the topic from inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives.

Urban areas are for several reasons in the focus of discourses on spatial development: the trend of urbanisation worldwide is unbroken. Cities are not only places of spatial and social segregation, but also of health inequalities. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has amplified urban health inequity, revealing the consequences of unequal access to adequate housing, quality green spaces and health infrastructures. Therefore, the pursuit of developing urban areas that are healthy, sustainable and just is a common concern of practitioners and scientists around the globe.

RuR: Call for Abstracts for a new Special Issue on Innovative Land Policies in Europe

Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning

The aim of this special issue is to collect inspiring and relevant cases of recent developments in land policies from different countries. By thus, the issue opens up a discussion and allows for reflecting viable pathways on sustainable urban development through land policies. 

The concurrence of multiple debates causes that land policies are high on the political and public agenda in many European countries. Due to the strong rise in asset prices, calls for more and affordable housing have become more prominent. However, easy solutions through urban expansion are unviable, as awareness of the detrimental ecological consequences of a continued conversion of agricultural land into urban land has grown, resulting in calls for a reduction of net land take. 

Sammelband zur räumlichen Transformation - Call for Papers des TRUST-/ARL-Promotionskollegs

„Wie kann eine räumliche Transformation im Kontext einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gestaltet werden?“ Diese Frage steht im Fokus des geplanten Sammelbandes des TRUST-/ARL-Promotionskollegs.

Der interdisziplinäre Call for Papers richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen. Es sind sowohl theoretische als auch empirische Beiträge willkommen. Diese können in englischer oder in deutscher Sprache eingereicht werden. Die Herausgebenden laden Forscher*innen dazu ein, ein kurzes Abstract im Umfang von maximal 250 Wörtern bis zum 19. April 2022 einzureichen. Die Kurzbeschreibung des Beitrags (Abstracts) senden Sie bitte an folgende Adresse: