Now available: English translation of ARL’s position papers on multilocal living, migration, and equivalent living conditions
Three ARL position papers dealing with central topics of spatial development – multilocal living, migration, and equivalent living conditions - are now available in English.
ARL Position Paper 123: Multilocal Living and Spatial Development discusses a current social phenomenon that has spatial implications at various levels: multilocal living arrangements. The growing significance of this phenomenon corresponds to the accelerated pace of social change in today’s society. The framework in which multilocal lifestyles develop can be outlined in keywords such as Europeanisation and globalisation, migration and transnationalisation, or the individualisation and pluralisation of lifestyles. The papers explores the key areas of spatial research, presents current spatial trends and their implications, and concludes with the policy implications.
Position Paper 123 is now online available in an open access version:
ARL Position Paper 124: Migration and Spatial Development was formulated under the impression of the refugee crisis in 2015. The high influx of refugees has dominated both public and political discussions in those month. In particular, promising strategies for integration policy at the local level are being sought. The position paper formulates key strategic factors from the spatial planning perspective. Against the backdrop of those factors, the paper gives ten key actions for a successful social and economic integration of refugees.
Positon Paper 124 is online and open acces available:
ARL Position Paper 125: Rethinking the Provision of Public Services and Equivalent Living Conditions – Perspectives and Fields of Action addresses the given fundamental change in the framework conditions and the public sector’s limited resources for action. It examines the issue of safeguarding equivalent living conditions and takes a position on this from the perspective of spatial science and spatial planning. The authors present starting points for discussion and call for a constructive and open review of new approaches to solutions and thinking, without prior assumptions.
ARL Position Paper 125 is now online and open acces available:
ARL Position Papers reflect spatial trends and discourses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, developed by Working Groups of scientists and practitioners who work in relevant academic institutions. Position Papers formulate policy implications and further need for research.