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Call for participants

SUMMER SCHOOL “Generating impact in complex natural resource contexts: co-design and development of transdisciplinary research projects”

24 October –1 November 2022 | online

This 1.5 week summer school will be all about collaboration and co-designing. A focus will be on tropical coastal settings as examples of urgent sustainability challenges and complex social-ecological systems.

Event highlights

  • You develop and implement a transdisciplinary research project and plan which will increase societal impact.
  • 7 days full of exchange with leading international academics, practitioners and experts in knowledge transfer and communication at the science/policy interface.
  • Intense program of transdisciplinary backgrounds, concepts, and methods.
  • Learn about different models of impact pathways, developing a theory-of-change and how to tackle inequality.
  • Train your transferable skills about communicating science to various actors and audiences.
  • Meet other international early-career scientists and continue building up your network.

Who can apply 

We invite applications from PhD candidates and post-doctoral scientists worldwide and from various disciplines in the field of marine research, ideally in or anticipation of the “design” phase of an own project. Please outline your motivation why you want to learn about transdisciplinarity and submit a project idea or potential case study. Prior experience in transdisciplinarity is not required, preference will be given to participants with concrete project ideas.


Application deadline: 31 August 2022

Upload your letter of motivation, project idea or potential case study, and a short CV to: https://forms.leibniz-zmt.de/Wordpress/?page_id=1035

Flyer LfN Summer School (PDF)
Invation to Summer School (PDF)