Call for Papers: Financialisation of financial and real estate markets
Thursday, 19th / Friday 20th of March 2015
Intensive discussions are currently being conducted in the social sciences about whether changes in the global economy can be seen as a transition towards finance dominated capitalism (Altvater 2009: 197), finance market accumulation regime (Chesnai 2004) or as a form of financialisation (Krippner 2005). Up till now, in this context discussions have focused on analysing the deregulation and globalisation of financial markets, the transition from a bank-based to a market-oriented financial system, the emergence and influence of new financial actors and financial products as well as changes in the management of corporations and production systems. However, questions like how the winning, opening-up, preparation and structuring of (new) markets takes place have been subject to less examination up to now. The aim of the conference is to address these questions in respect to financial and real estate markets.