And the winners of the Video Challenge 2024 “Why It Matters – In 120 seconds!" are...
This year’s video challenge on the topic “Why it matters” invited PhD students to showcase the importance of their research in just 120 seconds. All participants were given the opportunity to explain the significance of their PhD research, presenting a ‘big picture’ view of its potential contribution and impact in 120 seconds. The topic could either focus on a specific discipline or take a transdisciplinary approach. A jury assessed all submitted videos based on several criteria:
- clear communication of the research’s significance
- clear and concise explanations,
- a strong narrative thread and
- creative “storytelling”.
You will be impressed by the relevance of the content and the professional quality of the videos – definitely worth watching!

The prizes 2024 were awarded as follows
Video title: “Why the Choice of City Surfaces Matters?“
Recipient: Zekun Li, Carnegie Mellon University, US

Video title: “Equitable Transport in Emerging Economies“
Recipient: Sarath KT, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), IN

Video title: “Climate-Proofing Our Future: Digital Paths to Carbon-Neutral Buildings“
Recipient: Laurence Peinturier, University of Oxford, UK

Video title: “Placemaking and Blue-Green Infrastructure for Multiple Benefits“
Recipient: Sarah Crowe, University of Dundee, UK

People’s Vote PRIZE (400€)
Video title: “Architectural Solution for Algeria's Wheat Crisis: Ensuring Food Security“
Recipient: Nour Elhouda Hallas, Strathclyde University, UK
The journal Buildings & Cities and ARL – Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz-Association organized this video challenge for the third time celebrating a diversity of built environment research from PhD students in many countries and disciplines. Collectively, these videos illustrate the importance and interest of emerging built environment research to civil society, politics and economy.
We would like to thank everyone who took part in the Video Challenge 2024 for the inspiring variety and exciting topics of the videos submitted.
Congrats to the winners and all participants!
The videos can be watched here: